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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Easiest Valentine Ever

Is winter over yet?  Seriously?!  My kids had 5 "too cold" days off and several of them resulted in a 6 day weekend.  Yikes!  Anyway, on Day 3 off I decided to get a jumpstart on the Hoots Valentines.  Since my preschooler's had to be candy free, I decided to start with his since I could do them without standing in the seasonal aisle of Target for hours debating which valentines are acceptable with a sassy 10 and 6 year old

Since I rarely have an original idea, I turned to Pinterest of course.  I found these adorable animal valentines (please click through to the original post before repining).

Here is my take on them.

I started at pic monkey and made the card

Uploaded them to Wal-mart and picked them up an hour later.  While I was there I grabbed a couple of bags of these animals out of the party section
Then I threaded some bakers twine through a needle and threaded it right through the paper on each side of the animal.  Tied it up and around and DONE!

The easy peasy-est Valentine evah!
We still have many cold hours to fill!  But at least the Valentines are done!

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